title - artwork

Title: Cotton
Image Size:
Date: 20:02:2013
832 x 1127 pixels
Materials: Photoshop CS5

This is cotton- an original character drawn by muushie. I entered her colouring contest and after close to 12 hours in Photoshop this was the result Cotton already has a pre-existing colour scheme of pink with a few yellow touches so my job was to render the tones as best I could in my typical airbrush style. Check out other entries and original line art

I realized that so far as colouring goes, I'm pretty good at it and this is about far as my on-the-fly ability will stretch! I think now if I wanted to improve my colouring, I would need to consider changing my style to something more realistic and start referencing from photos more, perhaps adding in more heavy shadows, dynamic tones and contrast, and perhaps start mimicking a more typical concept-art-like painterly style or something? I'm sure I could use some expert critique, but failing that, I'm really happy with the results I can get with Photoshop and will continue to do my thing and hopefully figure out a way to get quicker without sacrificing quality.

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