title - artwork

Title: Bounty Hunters - Ime and Gurusu
Image Size:
Date: 01:05:2005
974 x 637 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 7

A couple of original sci-fi bounty hunters I came up with for fun. The former female spy Ime (pronounced "ee-may"), works along side Gurusu- a formidable warrior with the ability to change his skin tone to match his surroundings- chameleon style! Gurusu’s green blob-like pet 'Ti-gi' also has the ability to change shape and comes in useful in many of his missions. Basically the police of the future are having difficulties catching the bad guys so the state pays individuals like these two characters to take down the most notorious of criminals.

Tried out a few new techniques which I could have pulled off better, but it came out ok in the end. Too lazy to paint in a BG, so stuck a photo in there instead Although I’ll probably not draw these two again, they were fun to create


Line art : Pencil A : Pencil B


black shadow writes:

Date Posted: 10:12:2008 Time Posted: 03:23PM

the coloring of the outfit is really good it matches the hair

Phenix Ryte writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2007 Time Posted: 12:21AM

Yeah... why shouldn't you talk to strangers? Oh yeah, I'm the stranger, and who knows what could happen.(different ending for hot girls.)*Evil laugh*

Cameron (Jirayiah's son) writes:

Date Posted: 13:08:2007 Time Posted: 02:54AM

so its telling you to say no to strangers, is the stranger that rock looking dude, and if so, is he trying to get her hot? that would be awesome XD

JakBlak writes:

email Date Posted: 10:07:2007 Time Posted: 10:03PM

tight! luv the kunai

punkrocker writes:

Date Posted: 30:10:2006 Time Posted: 10:13PM

This one's awesome too! LOVE the colors! That lil green thingy is cute too! Good job!

Amy x writes:

Date Posted: 25:09:2006 Time Posted: 08:00PM

omg. its soo good! i love the shadows of her hair etc. its fab!! i love the little green monster, its soo cute. and i love the misty snowy background

Dianne writes:

email web site Date Posted: 17:08:2006 Time Posted: 02:44AM

I was just looking at the Line Art A version and was wondering why Ti-gi wasn't waving in the colored version. Both pictures are cool though. I hope to see more pictures of these two in the near future.

E.Z.B writes:

email Date Posted: 01:06:2006 Time Posted: 12:55PM

Wow its gorgeous Ime's outfit is sooooo cool
The blobby thing is Gr8 too

A-TRAIN writes:

Date Posted: 20:05:2006 Time Posted: 12:38AM

this one is awesome i love the story. the guy kind of gives me the heeby jeebys.

dude writes:

Date Posted: 16:05:2006 Time Posted: 03:58PM

wow thats awesome dude meke more like this they rock!!

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