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Monday, October 24th 2005 - 04:18PM :

IMAF 2005

Visited the International Anime and Manga Festival held in London this year. Was pretty cool and had one of my works on display in the exhibition
Like last year, I entered the festival’s big cash prize art contest. No wins for me this time around. Like everyone else who didn’t win, I was a little disappointed, but the standard was really high so it came as no big surprise. For my character- Kawa, I concentrated on a cool outfit, style, a polished piece of CG work and a good written description. After checking out the winners this year, I felt if I had put more emphasis on my character performing relevant actions and/or placed in appropriate environments it’d help to emphasis her personality and make her more believable. I believe this was a key consideration when judging the entries. I'm sure I'll still be able to make use of the artwork produced in the future, so it's all good.

Pics of IMAF 2005:

People viewing contest gallery art.

My submission highlighted at the top. Yay!

The animation viewing room.


Bomu writes:

Date Posted: 15:11:2005 Time Posted: 10:53PM

Glad someone's keeping an eye out! *Dates changed to IMAF 2005*

Rik writes:

email web site Date Posted: 15:11:2005 Time Posted: 10:31PM

BTW... It's still 2005 :3

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