title - information: profile: blog

Friday, March 18th 2005 - 04:59PM :

What can you do?

I was under the impression Organic Metal was MY site where I could post MY artwork and write what I want, but it seems a fair few people seem to disagree! The feature to allow visitors to add comments to artworks is a cool idea and I’m getting a lot of interesting feedback about my work. However, at the moment it seems many of the comments ask that I stop drawing girls with boobs or anything sexually suggestive, and even asking I remove my own work from the site!

I’ve tried to keep the site accessible for a larger audience and haven’t posted any “over 18” content, but even if I did, I feel I should be allowed to draw and publish whatever I want, be it big boobs or 50 foot tall chimps eating huge bowls of dog puke!

I’m sure a lot of these comments must be from kids that just want something to complain about. At the end of the day, if people don’t like my stuff, I’d prefer they just don’t visit the site- no one is forcing people to come here and look at my work. I wish people would be a little more accepting of other’s views and opinions.

Off topic, I got 2nd place at the MAG for my pic of Kitteh

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