title - information: profile: blog

Friday, June 16th 2006 - 12:44PM :

Thoughts on older work

Looking through the gallery on OM and thinking there's some older stuff or pieces which I might take down. Instead of deleting them all completely, I may just add them to the blog so they don't get lost for eternity.
Also thinking most of the graphic design stuff in the gallery sucks a bit! 'The Experiment' piece I still kinda like, but stuff like that old Sony poster thing is just amateurish and crappy- could make it look so much better if I re-did it now. Generally I reckon I need to do some decent graphic design stuff to put in the gallery. I'm not primarily a graphic artist, but I’m a fan of design and it'd be good to show I can do it to any prospective clients and such.

Until then, I have 3 freelance projects to deal with. Might have had one of them completed by now if 'We love Katamari' didn’t come out recently and I hadn't just bought 'Guitar Hero' on PS2! Ahhh.. Gaming eases the pain

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